Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Instant Milk - Product Review and Comparison

Today's Product Review is on THRIVE's Instant Milk.  Now, THRIVE also offers a Non-fat Powdered Milk (part dairy, part soy), which they recommend for baking. But for drinking or having a bowl of cereal, you'll want THRIVE's Instant Milk (which is also a powder and happens to be non-fat, but is 100% real milk), and that's the one I'll be discussing today.

As with all powdered milks, you can adjust the powder to water ratio to get the taste that you prefer. The standard recommendation is 2 Tbsp powder per 1 cup water.  Personally, I prefer 3 Tbsp per 1 cup, or 3/4 cup powder per quart). The ideal way (in my opinion) to make this milk is to mix the powder with room temperature water, and then chill overnight before drinking it. I just have some arrowhead bottles of water stored in my pantry. I open them up, add the powder, shake it up in the bottle, put it in the fridge, and its ready to go in the morning.  When I have followed this ratio and those steps, and then served it to people, every single one of them has been surprised. Here are some of the reactions I've gotten:

 "Oh wow. I wasn't expecting it to taste that good."
"It tastes just like skim milk."
"There's no grittiness. It's powdered milk. Powdered milk is always gritty."
"That is hands down the best powdered milk I've ever had."

Yeah, I love it too. I, like most, was a skeptic when I first went to try it. I had a can of powdered milk  from a church cannery that has been sitting in my pantry for years. It's opened. I used a little, and have never been able to bring myself to use the rest. It doesn't smell appetizing, and was something I could never see myself just drinking a glass of. So I was expecting similar results with this Instant Milk.

But THRIVE Instant Milk has revolutionized the way I think about milk.  It tastes great, and it has made cold cereal a viable part of our food storage. That alone is motivation for me to stock up on a case of it (not to mention the additional savings I get by ordering by the case). And as if that weren't enough, this miracle product keeps wowing me with its ability to make desserts I never thought possible with "food storage" - such as whipped topping (recipe to come later) or homemade Ice Cream (see my post from earlier this month).  Considering this will last a whopping TWENTY FIVE YEARS unopened on your shelf, and once you open it, it'll still last another 2 years, this is a wonderful product to have in your home store.

Now, the only other powdered milk I have heard people say even tastes good, is one called Morning Moo. Personally, I have never tried Morning Moo. But I checked it out on-line, and for a #10 can, it's priced pretty comparably per serving to THRIVE's Instant Milk (they both average between 19 and 20 cents per 8 ounce serving). But there is at least one HUGE difference between the two of them that I noticed.

Here is a list of the ingredients in the popular "Morning Moo" taken straight from the manufacturer's website.

 Ingredients: Sweet whey, creamer (coconut oil, corn syrup solids, sodium caseinate [a milk derivative], dipotassium phosphate, sugar, mono and diglycerides, polysorbate 80, sodium silicoaluminate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, soy lecithin), nonfat milk, sugar, guar gum, vitamin A, vitamin D.

No wonder people like it. The whey is sweet, it has corn syrup, and sugar is listed on there twice! Milk isn't even listed until the end of the ingredient list. No wonder the label on the can says "Milk alternative." Now, let's compare that to the ingredients in THRIVE's Instant Milk:

Real instant nonfat milk, vitamin A palmitate, vitamin D3.

If that weren't enough of a selling point, THRIVE Instant Milk also has twice the calcium per serving as Morning Moo, and none of the fat.

To order your Instant Milk today ($19.59 for a #10 can, or $111.29 for a case of 6 #10 cans) please contact me at If you live locally and want to try a sample, shoot me a message. I'll mix some up for you the night before so you can come and try it.

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